

Posachedwa Blog Post

Zosinthidwa nthawi zonse!

Kusamukira Kwadziko Lonse, Chilolezo cha Ntchito,

Kusamukira Kwabizinesi, Bizinesi, Chuma,

Kuyambitsa Bizinesi ndikukulitsa bizinesi,

Kampani Yopanga, banki,

Maphunziro, IT mayankho.

Chiyambi chachikulu cha malamulo ndi mfundo zakubwera ku Germany

Mawu oyambira pamayendedwe osamukira Mosiyana ndi mawonedwe osiyanasiyana osiyanasiyana, Germany, pakadali pano, ilibe…


Missouri ikupereka pafupifupi $ 133 miliyoni kuti athandizire mabungwe oyambira, mwachitsanzo, masukulu ndi dongosolo. $61.5 miliyoni idzapita ku ...

Mahindra Lifespace yolumikizana ndi Extramarks Education

Kampani yogulitsa katundu ya Mahindra Lifespace Lachinayi idati idagwirizana ndi bungwe la zamaphunziro la Extramarks Education popereka chidziwitso cha intaneti ...

Njira Zatsopano Zamtsogolo Zantchito zakonzedwa kuti zisinthe Human Capital Management kudzera mu mgwirizano wa SMU Academy, IHRP ndi SHRM

Singapore Management University (SMU) yatumiza pulogalamu yotsimikizika pa luso lokonzekera mtsogolo, lotchedwa Advanced Certificate in Future Workforce Architect ...

Nepal Achenjeza za Vuto Laumoyo Pazomwe Matenda A Coronavirus Amawoloka 100,000

Tizilombo toyambitsa matenda timathothoka msewu kuchokera pagalimoto mkati mwa kufalikira kwa COVID-19 ku Kathmandu, Nepal, ...

2 Healthcare Stocks Yomwe Ingakwere mu 2020

Kutha kwa chaka kukuyandikira mwachangu. Zowonjezera, kwa olosera, zinthu zochepa zomwe muyenera kuzisamala pakadali pano ...

Chifukwa Chake Boma Liyenera Kukhala Lomasuka ndi Teknoloji Escrow ya IP Classified

The government has been utilizing innovation escrow to defend their business off-the-rack programming for quite a long time, however organizations ...

73% ya Makampani Akukonzekera Kugulitsa mu AI Technology kuti Akweze Zotsatira Zotsatsa

Phrasee, the world chief in AI-Powered Copywriting innovation, delivered the discoveries of a review focusing on big business advertisers. The ...

TCS pa ngongole yamaphunziro imapangitsa kuti digiri yakunja ikhale yotsika mtengo

Mosasamala kanthu kuti wophunzira wopanda thandizo akufunika thandizo kuchokera kwa achibale ake, ndalama zomwe zimaperekedwa zidzawonjezedwa ...

Momwe Covid-19 ingakhudzire makampani a inshuwaransi yazaumoyo ku India

The COVID-19 pandemic is trying for the medical coverage industry on different fronts; simultaneously, it speaks to a chance. India ...

Kodi Ndi Magawo A Fintech ati Omwe Azipeza Kuchokera ku COVID-19?

Like different parts, fintech financing has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent monetary disturbance, with speculation ...

Microsoft ikuyambitsa zatsopano za Teams kuti zithandizire tsogolo la maphunziro apadziko lonse lapansi

More than 150 million understudies, workforce, institutional pioneers, and instructors have been effectively utilizing Microsoft Education items, with Microsoft Teams ...

Kukula kwa Fintech - Zomwe Muyenera Kudziwa & Ntchito Zachuma Tsopano Zaperekedwa

Innovation has changed the manner in which we do practically everything from shopping to mingling and it's likewise turning the ...

Kodi fintech ndi chiani ndipo chifukwa chiyani ili ndi ntchito kwa mabizinesi onse

Jens Münch talks about how regardless of seeing worldwide interest in fintech ascend to $12 billion out of 2015, a ...

Zifukwa zonse zomwe Canada imafunikira kusamuka - ndi zina zambiri

There are a few counts with benefits designs that require propelled math, and some that don't. One that doesn't is ...

Impact of Information Technology in Indian Banking Industry

Banking industry is a spine of Indian monetary framework and it is beset by many testing powers. One such power ...

Njira Zowongoka Zowongolera Bizinesi Yanu yaying'ono

Steady upgrades to improve your private venture are basic for its prosperity and supportability. Things like observing income reliably, using ...

Udindo ndi Kufunika kwa Tekinoloje mu Bizinesi

In the most recent decades going before the 90s, innovation has upgraded the manner in which we get things done ...
kusamukira ku Australia

Ndi maubwino 4 ati omwe amasamukira ku Australia?

Standard of Living is Quite High Australia is known as a country which has one of the highest standards of ...
Ntchito Ya E-Visa ya India Akukula

Ntchito Ya E-Visa ya India Akukula

During the recent years, the Government of India has been updating and developing its electronic visa (e-Visa) program. This visa ...
Chilolezo cha Ntchito ku Sri Lanka

Chilolezo cha Ntchito ku Sri Lanka

Today Sri Lanka is one of the fastest growing economies in the world; Sri Lanka’s economy emerged on the international ...
Palibe nsanamira zomwe zapezeka.

Mantha a Covid amathandizira bizinesi ya cybersecurity padziko lonse lapansi

The covid-19 pandemic has offered a chance in the arm to new companies offering cybersecurity items as organizations try to ...
Mabungwe Osamalira Zaumoyo Ayenera Kusintha Zomwe Zachitika Pakompyuta

Mabungwe Osamalira Zaumoyo Ayenera Kusintha Zomwe Zachitika Pakompyuta

In light of a study of 259 payer and supplier medicinal services heads, the report — Accenture Digital Health Technology ...

Oppo amavomereza foni yam'manja ndi ukadaulo wa Li-Fi

Wi-fi has become an integral part of smartphones and most Internet-connected gadgets these days. And deservedly so, as it’s fast, ...

Axis Bank imakweza Rs 10,000 crore kudzera pa QIP

Axis Bank  announced that it has raised Rs 10,000 crore through a qualified institutional placement (QIP) of shares on August ...

Google yakhazikitsa gawo la People Cards ku India

Google has started rolling out its People Cards feature for mobile search users in India. The feature will help people find ...
Twitter, TikTok

Twitter, TikTok adakhala ndi zokambirana zoyamba kuphatikiza

Twitter Inc. has held early talks about a potential combination with TikTok, the Chinese-owned video-sharing app that the Trump administration has ...

Ma FinTech apamwamba 5 apamwamba akusokoneza msika waku Europe

FinTech world has become a multi-billion-dollar industry worldwide. Currently, FinTech has affected every area of business. Financial technology has been ...
Microsoft prime supporter Bill Gates depicted the organization's possible arrangement with TikTok as a harmed vessel. In a meeting, Gates disclosed to Wired that the securing of TikTok's US business would not be simple for Microsoft.

TikTok ya Microsoft ikuchita ndi chalice yapoizoni, akutero woyambitsa nawo mabiliyoni Bill Gates

Microsoft prime supporter Bill Gates depicted the organization's possible arrangement with TikTok as a harmed vessel. In a meeting, Gates ...

Tekinoloje ikuyendetsa kusintha kwina kwamphamvu padziko lonse lapansi

Since 2017, America's national security system has concentrated on extraordinary force rivalry, and today quite a bit of Washington is ...
Palibe nsanamira zomwe zapezeka.
Palibe nsanamira zomwe zapezeka.



Kutengera pa 2020 ndemanga